CVV Ministries


Does God audibly speak to us? And more | 3ABN Bible Q & A


Wed Sep 25 09:01:01 2024 - 7

ShareDoes God audibly speak to us? Should we buy or sell on the Sabbath? What does Acts 23:3 mean? Find the answers to these questions and more on this episode of 3ABN Today Bible Q&A with Pastor James Rafferty, Ryan Day, and Shelley Quinn. Send us your Bible Questions! By email: By text: (618) 228 3975 QUESTIONS COVERED: 1. Was the law of God in place before creation? Before creation did the Sabbath day of worship exist? What was in existence as far as the law of God before giving the Ten Commandments? Are the Ten Commandments just for the fallen world? 2.  Where in the Bible does it say we should not buy or sell on the Sabbath Day, and why isn't this specified in the 4th commandment? Should we buy or sell on the Sabbath? 3. What does Acts 23:3 mean when Paul talks about the white wall? What does Acts 23:3 mean? 4.  What is the meaning of Matthew 16:19? I've heard it's defending the idea of the primacy of Peter and could not figure out how to discuss this. 5.  What prophecies are yet to be fulfilled before the coming of the Lord? 6. I believe in baptism and have been baptized before, do you have to be baptized to be part of the Sabbath keeping church? I am asking because I am not a fan of religious denominations. I just want to be known as a disciple of Jesus Christ. I am attending an Adventist Church because I want biblical teachings. Are religious denominations in the Bible? What religious denomination was Jesus? What were the churches in Acts denominations? Where did all the church denominations come from? 7.  Some declare that Jesus is both the Father & Holy Spirit, but how could Jesus pray to himself while speaking of these other two as being different? Is Jesus both Father and Holy Spirit? 8. Can someone please explain Ecclesiastes 9:7 10? 9. How do we reconcile Psalms 132:15 with Mark 14:7? 10.  Many people have said that God has spoken to them in some way. Whether it’s through reading his Word, a Pastor, a billboard, or even a stranger. One man also said that although it’s quite uncommon, God can actually speak to you with his audible voice like He did with Moses. Is this true? And how would I know if it’s truly God speaking to me? Does God audibly speak to us? 11. Can you please help me understand Deuteronomy 12:15, 22? 12. Please explain why 34 years were added to the remaining 1,810 years in Daniel's Prophecy of the 2300 days to bring the Prophecy to 1844. Why was 34 years added to Daniel's Prophecy of 2300 days? ??SUBSCRIBE ????DONATE ????FREE MONTHLY MAGAZINE ????FACEBOOK ????INSTAGRAM ????TWITTER ????WEBSITE TDYQA240030 #Bibletopics #BibleQ&A

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