CVV Ministries


What is or where is hell? And more | 3ABN Bible Q & A


Wed Sep 18 09:00:40 2024 - 9

ShareWhat is or where is hell? Pastor John Lomacang will give us a clear biblical answer to this question and many more with Pastor James Rafferty and Daniel Perrin. Send us your Bible Questions! By email: By text: (618) 228 3975 QUESTIONS COVERED: 1.  Revelation 16:15 is symbolic, spoken by Jesus as it is recorded in red. Why is the rest of the chapter not symbolic? Why is Revelation 16:15 symbolic but not the rest of the chapter? 2. Can a demon talk to me? 3.  Can you please explain Proverbs 16:4? 4.  Is Romans 8:18 23 talking about the animals? 5. When we grieve the Holy Spirit, does it depart from us? How do we know that we grieved it, and how do we get it back? 6.  In Genesis 1:27 God created man in His own image, male and female. In Genesis 2:7 the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground. Were there two creations of man? 7.  In Jeremiah 5:4, God says he knew him before he formed him in the belly. That being said, will the aborted get resurrected? 8. The Bible mentions "hell" but during creation "hell" was not created. What is or where is hell? 9. If Enoch was close to God, and God took him into Heaven, why was the Book of Enoch not included in the Bible? 10. Can you please explain Isaiah 27:13? Is it connected to the 6th or 7th trumpet of Revelation? 11.No more tears, pain, and all things of sadness long gone. Will we still have choices in the New Heaven and New Earth? How will we prevent hearts from being lifted up again? 12. How is country living connected to the Three Angels' Messages? Where is it spoken about in Scripture and Spirits of Prophecy? ??SUBSCRIBE ????DONATE ????FREE MONTHLY MAGAZINE ????FACEBOOK ????INSTAGRAM ????TWITTER ????WEBSITE TDYQA240028 #Bibletopics #BibleQ&A

Fonte: Three Angels Broadcasting Network (3ABN)

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