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What is the best way to pray? And more | 3ABN Bible Q & A


Wed Sep 11 09:00:41 2024 - 14

ShareThe Bible says "Do not use vain repetitions" but also says "Pray without ceasing". What is the best way to pray? Send us your Bible Questions! By email: By text: (618) 228 3975 QUESTIONS COVERED: 1. Jesus says in John 14:15 17, “If you love Me, keep My commandments. And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever—the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you. Why, then, do we need to pray everyday to the Father for Him to send the Holy Spirit to come into our life? Do we need to pray daily asking for the Holy Spirit? 2. How do I know that the Holy Spirit is with me? How do I know that the Holy Spirit left me? 3.  God's wonderful gift to us is the ability to pray to Him. The Bible says "Not to use vain repetitions" and I understand that, but will God answer a prayer that we pray over and over again, faster than if we pray just one time? Some prayers are so much more important than others. For example; save my child so she/he believes in Jesus. Some parents may have prayed that for 30 years or more. God knows and hears everything. What is the best way to pray? Pray without ceasing says the Bible and I understand that too, but where is the line between vain repetitions and without ceasing? Is there a prayer God loves more than others? 4. Can you please explain 1 John 5:16 17? Which sin doesn't lead to death? 5. If there is no marriage in Heaven, I'm assuming there will be no births, including animals. If we didn't have death here on earth, there would be over population. No death sounds wonderful, but how will it be to never see a newborn or baby animal in the new earth? If there were births on the new earth, where would all the over abundance of creatures go? Will it feel stagnant to have the same animals and humans around for eternity? Please help me out on this, because it makes me wonder what eternal life would be like without creativity, and new creatures. I know God created Adam and Eve and told them to be fruitful and multiply, but without death, wouldn't they have over run the earth? Will there be new births in Heaven? 6.  Mark 16:12 narrates that Jesus appeared in a different form. Jesus appeared in a different form to the two of them while they were walking. Mary Magdalene could not recognize Him either. Luke also narrates that. Why could no one recognize Jesus after His resurrection? 7. Can you please explain Exodus 32: 26 28? It sounds like the Levities were commanded to kill the other tribes, but then the Bible later mentions many people coming from the other tribes like David then Jesus being from the tribe of Judah. 8. Should we read the book of Enoch? Jude 1:14 15 quotes the book of Enoch. 9. Do pagan prayers and blessings hold any validity in light of God's Word? If pagan prayers/blessings do hold any 'power' behind them would that power stem from Satan and his demons? 10.  How does one blaspheme against the Holy Spirit? 11.  As Bible Christian’s, how should we respond to gay people who attend church and believe that God approves of their lifestyle?  12.  Where in the Bible is King David asking for the lives of his enemies?   ??SUBSCRIBE ????DONATE ????FREE MONTHLY MAGAZINE ????FACEBOOK ????INSTAGRAM ????TWITTER ????WEBSITE TDYQA240029 #Bibletopics #BibleQ&A

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