In observing Jesus’ encounters with people, there is a common theme that the condition of the heart is of utmost importance. Why? Could a transformed heart lead to genuine faith, love, and righteous living, which aligns with God’s desires for His followers? Worship with us as Pastor Crystal E. Ward continues her exploration of a transformed heart as she closes her sermon series "Matters of the Heart" with a message titled "A Spiritual Rebirth." Remember to say hello in the chat, and let us know where you're watching from! DO YOU HAVE QUESTIONS ABOUT THE BIBLE? If you're searching for a warm, welcoming place to grow your faith, Spencerville is the church for you! Have questions about studying the Bible? We want to journey with you. Reach out through our website at, and a team member will contact you at your convenience. Yes! We offer in person and online Bible studies. WE WANT TO CONNECT WITH YOU! If you're on social media, we would enjoy connecting with you! We want to hear your story, feedback, and how we can better serve you. Spencerville Church website: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: