Many know the most famous text in Malachi on tithes and offerings (Malachi 3:8); however, its true meaning goes much deeper! What is the true meaning behind this text, and how can we apply it to our lives in a way that brings glory to God and a blessing to those around us? Worship with us this week as Pastor Chad explores these verses from Malachi in the fourth part of his sermon series “Stuck in a Rut” with a message titled “The Refining Messengers.” WEBSITE AND SOCIAL MEDIA If you're on social media, we would enjoy connecting with you! We want to hear your story, feedback, and how we can better serve you. Spencerville Church website: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: DO YOU HAVE QUESTIONS ABOUT THE BIBLE? If you're searching for a warm, welcoming place to grow your faith, Spencerville is the church for you! Have questions about studying the Bible? We want to journey with you. Reach out through our website at, and a team member will contact you at your convenience. Yes! We offer in person and online Bible studies.