Maximizing Alone Time: Episode 848
The Boundless Show - 4m 30

How to use alone time productively, plus Brant Hansen on seeking joy in discouraging circumstances, and what to do when you feel devalued as a single.    Featured musical artist: About a Mile   Roundtable: The Value of Being Alone If you’re an introvert, you cherish being alone, while extroverts may find alone time more challenging. Regardless of personality type, all of us can benefit from solitude — or be in danger of using it excessively or unwisely. Our guests discuss what helps them enjoy time alone, why silence can be a wonderful thing, and how they use solo time to recharge, process and create, rather than simply escape.            Leave Us a Voicemail Culture: Finding Joy in a Messed Up World (Part 1)  Everyone’s chasing happiness, but do you sometimes feel like everything around you is falling apart? The fact is: Life is hard, but God is good. Brant Hansen reminds us of this as he challenges us to live in joy despite our circumstances. In part one of our conversation, he explains that he’s naturally a pessimist, and shares how he overcame a difficult childhood.         Inbox: When You Feel Looked Down On As a Single Adult  Many Christian singles feel as if marriage is put on a pedestal while their own relationship status is looked down upon. If you’re in that spot, how do you walk with God faithfully and maintain a sense of hope? Lisa Anderson weighs in.        Find us on YouTube