Successful Small Groups: Episode 828
The Boundless Show - 9m 32

Pastors’ tips for finding a great small group, plus firsthand help for addiction recovery, and should a guy give a girl a gift on the first date?   Featured musical artist:  Je’kob   Roundtable: How to Choose a Small Group   We talk a lot about how one of the best ways to connect to other believers and truly grow is by “making the big church small.” Getting involved in a small group can do just that. But how do you find a small group that’s a good fit? And what makes a small group successful? Two pastors with tons of experience in Christian community and discipleship share what makes a good small group, how groups can go deeper, different types of groups to try, and when to walk away and try something else.                   Leave Us a Voicemail   Culture: An Inside Look at Addiction (Part 1)   Addiction is no small thing, and one of the most painful experiences is falling prey to it, or seeing a friend or family member do so. Addicts either don’t think they have a problem, or assume it’s something to “fix” if they can muster up the willpower — but it goes so much deeper than that. Dr. Ken Harmon and Dr. Trent Langhofer, both former addicts, are now pastors and recovery experts whom God is using to help others. In part one of our conversation, they share their stories and give common misconceptions about addiction and recovery.      Healing the Scars of Addiction: Reclaiming Your Life and Moving Into a Healthy Future     Link to Counseling Services   Inbox: Should Guys Give a Gift on a First Date?   Is bringing a gift on your first date appropriate? Lisa Anderson weighs in.   Boundless Advent Devotional