When Your Life Goals Seem Vague: Episode 730
The Boundless Show - 11m 30

Uncertainty around goals and calling, plus a live Q&A with Carey Nieuwhof, and should you speak up if a friend is engaged to a non Christian?Featured musical artist: Stu Garrard ( https://www.stugworld.com/ )Roundtable: Clarifying Your Life GoalsLate January is typically the time of year when many give up on their New Year's resolutions. But what if you aren’t even sure what your goals are? What if the trajectory of your life seems vague at best? Our panel opens up about times they felt discouraged about their goals and what they learned from those seasons. If you’re feeling down about the direction of your life in 2022, this will give you some hope. Culture: Make the Most of Your Time (Part 2)Last week he told us how to live and work at our best. Join us this week for a Q&A with pastor, author and leadership expert Carey Nieuwhof as he answers questions from a live audience about priorities, time management, influence and more. Inbox: When a Friend Is Engaged to a Non ChristianHer friend recently got engaged — but her friend’s fiancé is not a Christan. She’s deeply concerned and is wondering if she should say something. Counselor Wendy Brown weighs in.