Women And Self-Esteem: Episode 743
The Boundless Show - 11m 27

Women overcoming low self esteem, plus pastor Jonathan Pitts on grief, and how do you share your opinions humbly?Featured musical artist: Love and the Outcome ( https://loveandtheoutcome.com/ )Roundtable: Low Self Esteem in WomenWhen you’re one click away from seeing the highlight reels of your friends' lives, it’s easy to think you’re not as important or special as anyone else. Or maybe you’ve thought that since childhood; old wounds don’t always heal, do they? Hurtful experiences, poor relationships and false comparisons can drag us into the pit of low self esteem. Is there a way to protect yourself and even overcome the lies? In part one of a two part series on low self esteem (men, you’re next week!), we’ll ask a group of women what brings them down, and more importantly, what it looks like to turn things around by understanding our limitations and embracing our identity in Christ.Culture: Surviving Grief and Loss (Part 1) When Jonathan Pitts and his wife, Wynter, celebrated their 15th wedding anniversary, they had much to look forward to, including writing books and doing ministry together. But less than a month later, Wynter died suddenly at age 38. Her passing sent Jonathan and their four daughters into a tailspin. But through that difficult season, Jonathan saw God’s faithfulness. In part one of our conversation, he shares the impact of grief and how God can sustain us in unexpected waysInbox: How Can I Share My Opinion? Whenever she gives her thoughts on a matter, people push back. How can she speak up and give her opinion with kindness and humility? Counselor Tim Sanford weighs in.That's Just My Opinion: ( https://www.boundless.org/blog/thats just my opinion/ )Link to Counseling Services ( https://www.focusonthefamily.com/get help/counseling services and referrals/?refcd=1349703 )