CVV Ministries


"Angels PROCREATE w/ People?" "What Does the Bible Say About Alcohol?" Bible Q/A - John Bradshaw


Sat Aug 3 18:00:32 2024 - 22

Share"Do we take our same minds to heaven?" "Absent from the body is to be present with the Lord?" 00:00 Intro 00:10 2nd Corinthians 5:8 Does Paul Say Absence from the Body is to Be Present w/ God? 04:31 Why Does Paul Refer to Salvation as Adopted Rather than Biological Relation? 06:15 What Does the Bible Say About Alcohol? 13:15 Angels Procreate with People? 15:40 Why the Cruel Animal Sacrifice in the Old Testament? 17:17 What Does the Bible Say About Astrology & Horoscopes? 19:32 When I Confess Sins, Do I Need to Make It Right w/ Everyone? 22:57 Do We Take Our Same Minds to Heaven?

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