CVV Ministries


Is the Trinity a Catholic Doctrine? Bible Q/A with Pr. John Bradshaw & Pr. Eric Flickinger


Sat Jul 27 15:00:26 2024 - 22

SharePresident Obama & the Pope? Does the Law of God Categorize into Moral & Ceremonial? "I'm Discouraged By What I See at Church Should I Leave It?" If Noah Sacrificed 1 of Each Clean Animal, How Did They Procreate? 00:00 Intro 00:05 Do We Give Account of Other Christians? 02:13 What Will Christians Do In Heaven For Eternity? 05:12 President Obama and the Pope? 07:08 "I Don't Trust God Easily...Help..." 15:39 If Noah Sacrificed 1 of Each Clean Animal, How Did They Procreate? 17:53 "I'm Discouraged By What I See at Church Should I Leave It?" 23:28 Have You Heard of the Book the Shaft? 23:39 Does the Law of God Categorize into Moral and Ceremonial?

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