CVV Ministries


God's Killing Orders Justified? || I’d Like to Know?


Tue Jul 2 19:30:06 2024 - 4

ShareWrite to, and get your Bible questions answered on a future program! The following questions are answered in this Q & A program: . . 1.) 1) Regarding the historicist interpretation of the 7 churches in Revelation, I received the following question: how do you explain the verse Rev 2:16 which addresses the church of Pergamos "Repent; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will fight against them with the sword of my mouth" in the context that the church of Pergamos represents a period of church history that ended with the loss of the candlestick? The loss of the candlestick implies lack of repentance, then shouldn't it automatically imply the return of the Lord Jesus? 2) How can we reconcile Gal 3:17 with Ex 12:40 regarding biblical chronology? 3) How can we understand 1Cor 10:25 in relation to the interdiction of eating unclean animals? But in relation to health reform (in terms of avoiding eating any kind of flesh)? 4) Why did Jesus eat meat (Luke 24:42 43) if this type of diet is not part of God's original plan? If God wants humanity to return to the original diet presented in Gen. 1:29, why didn't Jesus choose to set an example in this matter? (I am a vegan now and I am convinced that this is the diet that God's people should follow, but I have received such arguments against health reform even from church members) 5) How can we reconcile the 6th commandment with 1 Sam 15:3 and other examples in the Bible where God asked His people to destroy cities? . Join us every Tuesday at 4:30pm (Pacific Time) for our weekly episode from the studio! Only on! Additional Bible studies are available at Write to, and get your Bible questions answered on a future program. . . Visit our Website at For 24/7 streaming, visit . . Follow us on our social media platforms! Facebook . . Instagram . . Thank you for tuning in! ILTK2427

Fonte: secretsunsealed


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