CVV Ministries


Lesson 12: Earth's Closing Events || SUMtv Sabbath School (Quarter 2)


Wed Jun 19 19:00:06 2024 - 48

Share(Disclaimer: For an uninterrupted worship service experience, we kindly recommend visiting, where you can stream directly without any interruptions.) . If asked, “What central theme runs through all the Bible?” how would you respond? Jesus? The plan of salvation? The cross? Yes to all three, of course! But these three important topics unfold against an even more all encompassing theme: the great controversy. This theme pervades the Bible, from the book of Genesis to the book of Revelation. The great controversy began in heaven with Lucifer’s rebellion against God. At the heart of this cosmic conflict is the issue of God’s love. Is He fully loving? Does He have the best interests of His creatures in view? Or is He an authoritative dictator desiring only what is in His own self interest? This quarter’s lessons trace world history from God’s viewpoint, as prophecy reveals it, from the time of Christ down through the centuries to our day and beyond. God’s very nature is love, and therefore, all His acts are loving, though this fact may not always be evident to finite human beings or even angels. But God’s love is progressively revealed as the great controversy unfolds. We see its height and depth most clearly through the Cross. At Calvary, God’s love was displayed before the entire universe when Christ poured out His life to redeem humanity, and Satan’s ultimate defeat was assured.???? . . Visit our Website at For 24/7 streaming, visit . . Follow us on our social media platforms! Facebook Instagram . . Thank you for tuning in! SSSH2425

Fonte: secretsunsealed


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