CVV Ministries


Is gossiping a sin? And more | 3ABN Bible Q & A


Wed Oct 30 09:00:27 2024 - 3

ShareThis Bible Q & A is packed with interesting questions from the 3ABN viewers. Is gossiping a sin? Is it a sin to try to grow financially? Should we cry when loved ones die? Are all women made from the ribs of their husbands? Tune in as Pastors John Dinzey and James Rafferty give us answers from God's Word. Send us your Bible Questions! By email: By text: (618) 228 3975 QUESTIONS COVERED: 1.  I talk about others sometimes. I do try not to say anything bad about them. Although not one of the Ten Commandments, I believe God doesn't care for gossiping.  Is gossiping a sin? 2. I was confronted by a friend who that the Seventh day Adventist church teaches that there are some unfallen worlds in the universe. What supporting scripture can I give to help my friend understand this subject clearly? Are the supporting scriptures for unfallen worlds? 3.   The Bible seems to imply that we're not supposed to do anything beyond having a basic job when it comes to money. If I start a business or make investments, I may be “laying up treasures on Earth” or “serving mammon”. Proverbs frequently addresses the evils of poverty and how it will come if we don't work hard. The Bible also says that wealth is a blessing from God. Some of the most prominent Bible characters were rich, like Job, Abraham, Lot, David, Solomon, and Joseph of Arimathea. Is it a sin to try to grow financially through starting a business or making investments?  4.   My conclusion to Genesis 2:6 7 and 21 24 is that both men and women are created from mud, in the image of God. However, women were made from the ribs of their husbands thus they receive the name woman because they are the bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh. It also explains to me why when people are married they are considered to be one flesh. Now my question is, knowing that God's words are yes and amen, is it safe to say that all women are made from the ribs of their husbands? Are all women made from the ribs of their husbands? 5.  Can you please explain Matthew 27:52 53? 6. The Bible says we should not cry when one dies, but cry when one is born. Did Jesus really mean that I shouldn't cry when I lose a loved one? I read of many men of God in the Bible crying for their loved ones. Should we cry when loved ones die? 7.  Where does the Bible say the Holy Spirit is a Person? I have been told that this is not in the Bible. Can you explain?  8.  Can you please explain Matthew 6:17 which talks about anointing your head when fasting? Is this to be done?   9.  If 1000 human years is one day to our Lord, will that time frame be the same with us when his elect go to heaven with him for 1,000 years? I've heard that when the babies are in heaven their growth will be very slow, not like here on earth, where they grow pretty fast. I think this is a little backward. Please help me with this confusion. How will time look in Heaven? 10.  When will the judgment of the living start or has it already started? I believe the pre advent judgment of the dead began in 1844. Will there be an event that will set a demarcation between the two?  ??SUBSCRIBE ????DONATE ????FREE MONTHLY MAGAZINE ????FACEBOOK ????INSTAGRAM ????TWITTER ????WEBSITE TDYQA240033 #Bibletopics #BibleQ&A

Fonte: Three Angels Broadcasting Network (3ABN)

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