CVV Ministries


Pope Francis Says ALL RELIGIONS Are a Path to God: Is This Biblical?


Sun Sep 22 11:01:39 2024 - 7

ShareHow to Have a Quality Life: ?Paperback: ?E book: ?International orders: P.S. The 25% discount doesn't apply to international orders. U.S. only. Sorry. In an interfaith meeting in Singapore, Pope Francis made a bold statement, claiming that "every religion is a way to arrive at God." He included Sheik, Hindu, Muslim, and Christian paths, suggesting all lead to the same destination. But is this biblical? According to the Bible, there's only one way to God, and that's through Jesus Christ. This teaching contradicts Scripture and raises alarm for Christians who believe in Bible prophecy and the dangers of false worship. The Catholic Church plays a key role in the ecumenical movement, promoting unity among the world's major religions. But does this unity come at the expense of truth? The Bible warns us that Babylon the Great will unite the world's religions and lead many into deception during the end times. Is Pope Francis fulfilling this prophecy? Is the world headed toward a one world religion? This video explores the dangers of false unity and shows how the ecumenical movement may be setting the stage for the fulfillment of Revelation's prophecy. Watch to discover how these developments fit into the end times and what the Bible says about the coming religious deception! For sponsorship inquiries, e mail me at Video chapters: 00:00 Introduction 02:54 Jesus Is the Only Way to God 06:07 Are We All Children of God? 07:48 Dangers of Ecumenism 09:20 The Catholic Church in Prophecy

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