Cristo Vai Voltar


Beneath The Cross of Jesus | Hymn 183pe | Accompaniment | Minus One | Backtrack | Karaoke


Dom 19 Mai 2024 03:56:21 EDT - 21

Compartilhar59th hymn for the Year 2024! Philippine Edition. Don't forget to click the subscribe and like button for free before you go. You can also comment on the hymn you want uploaded. For your hymn need, type geds corner plus the hymn number at the search section above and click enter or geds corner and the hymn title and it will give you the hymn you need. In case not yet uploaded, just give me a message in the comment section and we will upload it for you. We will continue to upload more hymnal songs for you to enjoy and use in personal devotions and singing! You can click the like thumb sign to indicate you appreciated what we prepare for you. Wishing you a blissful day and bright experience with the Lord!

Fonte: Geds Corner

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