CVV Ministries


Women in the Bible | Patriarchy and Progress


Sun Mar 7 18:49:38 2021 - 16

Share#womenshistorymonth #womeninthebible #proverbs31woman In celebration of women’s history month, Advent Next is exploring women in the Bible and presenting an alternative view that elevates the value of women. We often think social establishments like patriarchy are an inherent moral value in the Bible, but this is not true. In fact, patriarchy might actually be the result of sin, not a part of God’s original plan. So this week, we make a case for God the feminist! We look at stories like Deborah in the Bible, Hagar, Esther, Lydia, Phoebe, and all the things that make women a Proverbs 31 woman in ways she often doesn’t get credit for! 00:00 Introduction 02:27 Eve in the Bible 03:28 Genesis 3:16 03:58 The birth of Patriarchy 05:00 Patriarchy the result of sin 07:50 Sarah and the Bible 09:43 Hagar in the Bible 11:20 Zipporah in the Bible 13:03 Miriam in the Bible 14:01 Deborah in the Bible 15:51 Jael and Sisera in the Bible 17:58 Samson and Delilah in the Bible 21:18 Esther in the Bible 21:37 Mary mother of Jesus 23:06 Mary of Magdelene 24:27 Lydia in the Bible 24:53 Pheobe in the Bible 25:33 Priscilla and Aquila in the Bible 26:37 Conclusion Facebook: Instagram: Apple Podcast: next/id1452748484 Spotify: Youtube:

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