CVV Ministries


HEALTH Online!


Thu Jul 23 18:38:14 2020 - 46

ShareYou've asked for it, we made it! Health Evangelism And Leadership Training for Him (HEALTH) was designed to educate, inspire, and equip professionals and lay people to minister to those in need with a special focus on health coaching. Individuals, churches, schools, and professional offices can effectively use health outreach as the “entering wedge” of the gospel through a multiphase plan that closely tracks Ellen White’s counsel. In the HEALTH program, we show you how. The online HEALTH program was designed for the individual who cannot attend the on site program. The online program is ideal for those who have busy schedules, full time jobs or who cannot afford to come to HEALTH. Go to the link to learn more!

Fonte: Weimar Institute

Weimar Institute

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