Spiritualism Exposed
Walla Walla University Good Word Broadcasts - 5m 29

Texts for this Week: Matt. 10:28; Eccles. 9:5; Isa. 8:19, 20; John 11:1114, 2125; 1 Thess. 4:16, 17; Rev. 16:13, 14; Matt. 24:2327; 2 Thess. 2:912. Opening Question: “What is the condition of a human after they die and why is that question of importance? The lesson this week covers some interesting ideological territory that has created a great division in human thought. It has to do with the spiritual underworld and also with the ideas people have about death. We will begin with the death part first. What happens when a person dies? This is a question to which all thought ...