Rebekah And The Power Of Kindness
Seventh-day Adventist Church of Adairsville - 8m 2

Abraham is looking for a wife for his son Isaac. But he knows the one key to happiness in a home Kindness. The story of Rebekah has plenty to teach us today about this trait that we all crave to experience. Present the truth as it is in Jesus. Let the tones of your voice express the love of God. Lead, but never drive. Approach the most obstinate in a spirit of kindness and affection. Dip your words into the oil of grace, and let them flow forth from your lips in love (Letter 105, 1893). Those whom Christ commends in the judgment may have known little of theology, but they have cherished His principles. Through the influence of the divine Spirit they have been a blessing to those about them. Even among the heathen are those who have cherished the spirit of kindness; … …Though ignorant of the written law of God, the heathen have heard His voice speaking to them in nature, and have done the things that the law required. Their works are evidence that the Holy Spirit has touched their hearts, and they are recognized as the children of God. DA 638