Q3 2023 Ls. 5 - Horizontal Atonement: The Cross And The Church (Ephesians)
3ABN Sabbath School Panel - 11m 19

Sabbath School panel discussion and insight by 3ABN pastors and teachers. This podcast episode follows 2023 quarter 3, lesson 5 of the adult Bible study guide book. This quarter's book topic is “Ephesians” and this week's Sabbath School lesson is titled “Horizontal Atonement: The Cross and the Church”. Join us every week for a fresh and relevant study of the word of God. Read: Eph. 2:1122, Rom. 3:31, Rom. 7:12, Isa. 52:7, Isa. 57:19, John 14:27, 1 Cor. 3:917. Memory Text: “But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ. For he himself is our peace, who has made us both one” (Ephesians 2:13, 14, ESV). (July 22July 28) Sunday (John Dinzey): Brought Near in ChristMonday (Jill Morikone): Reconciliation: God’s Gift From the CrossTuesday (Shelley Quinn): Breaking Down the Dividing WallWednesday (Daniel Perrin): Jesus, Preacher of PeaceThursday (James Rafferty): The Church, a Holy Temple Sabbath School Website: www.3ABNSabbathSchoolPanel.com Questions or Comments? Email us at mail@3abn.org Donate: https://3abn.org/donate quick.html