Unhooked 1y 27
A ficha criminal de Jacó incluía palavras como trapaceiro, enganador, falsário, vigarista, mentiroso. Ele era uma peça. E não somos todos? Tal como ele, a nossa caminhada espi
Unhooked 1y 20
Deus não existe para nós; existimos para Deus. Deus não existe para dar grande importância a Max; Max existe para dar grande importância a Deus. Então, podemos avaliar a toli
Unhooked 1y 21
Quantas vezes você já ouviu alguém dizer algo do tipo: “Meu filho estava doente e eu disse: ‘Deus, se você está aí em cima, por favor, cure meu filho’. Senão, até ond
Unhooked 1y 28
Jacó fez um voto, dizendo: “Se Deus estiver comigo, cuidar de mim& 230; prover me comida e roupa, e levar me de volta em segurança à casa de meu pai, então o Senhor será o
Unhooked 1y 23
“Jacó pegou a pedra que tinha usado como travesseiro, colocou a em pé como coluna e derramou óleo sobre o seu topo. E deu o nome de Betel (ou Casa de Deus) àquele lugar” (G
Unhooked 1y 26
Tem alguma coisa na sua vida que precisa ser removida? Algum impedimento para a influência do Espírito de Deus? A Escritura nos lembra que podemos entristecer o Espírito com pal
Jesus disse: “Digo lhes a verdade: Vocês verão o céu aberto e os anjos de Deus subindo e descendo sobre o Filho do homem”. (João 1:51 NVI). Sua escada para o céu não é u
Unhooked 54y 27
Working long hours can bring professional promotion and desired recognition from others. Yet these extra minutes can into an inability to let go of the office. It's a subtle addict
Unhooked 54y 25
Peer pressure. Rites of passage to adulthood. Ability to forget problems. These are some of the reasons that prompt underage drinking. Millions of teens start this addictive habit
Unhooked 54y 24
Many teenagers and young adults dabble in drugs in elementary school, often becoming full blown addicts in high school. This episode of Unhooked discusses the telltale signs that s
Each addict is different and so are the needs for treatment. This episode highlights the variety of available treatment options, including inpatient facilities, partial hospitaliza
Unhooked 54y 28
Tobacco abuse is an accepted addiction in many societies. It is easily obtained and legal for young adults. Its availability is one reason why it is a common gateway drug for addic
Unhooked 54y 26
We are all equal at the foot of the cross. That is why it is essential that faith communities provide support, healing, comfort, not judgment or condemnation. Church members have a
"I want this. I must have this." Before long, a shopaholic is surrounded by purchases they never needed. In this episode, experts discuss the addictive behavior of shopaholics and
Unhooked 54y 29
Liberated libidos and a porn industry that caters to them are two reasons why women are more open about their sexuality. Yet responsibility comes with freedom. In her own words, St
Created to express love between husband and wife, sex has been degraded to damage marriages and is a currency for unhealthy behaviors. Experts provide useful suggestions to move fr
Self mutilation is a growing but underreported addiction. Addicts are often embarrassed and feel guilty, Scars are easily concealed, leading to a cover up of the problem.
Unhooked 54y 30
Hallucinations. Psychosis. Loss of contact with reality. In this episode of Unhooked, the possible effects of psychoactive drugs are examined.
Unhooked 54y 19
Abuse of prescription pills is growing and no addict looks alike. In this episode of Unhooked, the tell tale signs of prescription pill addiction are outlined, along with ways to f
In a society where a "Super Size Me' mentality are often the norm, there's a thin line between eating just enough and too much. Eating may not be about staying healthy but finding
Creating safe and healthy environments are key to the positive development of any child. These surroundings also may indicate if a child might begin addictive and unhealthy behavio
Some say relapse is part of recovery. Yet it matters not how many times one falls but how many times one gets up. In this episode of Unhooked, the topic of managing relapse is disc
Overcoming one’s addiction is not just a physical success. A complete journey to wholeness incorporates healing in the body, mind and spirit. Relying on a power greater than ones
Gambling provides high stakes for winning but the stakes for addiction are even greater. In this episode, the euphoric high of winning is discussed, along with the effect losing ha
Addictions do not just affect one person. These unhealthy behaviors often become a tangled web of emotions and situations. Family members and friends are affected and the role they
It can be difficult to have the power to say “No!” For enablers, it’s twice as hard. Well meaning family members and friends can often stunt the recovery progress of the addi
Unhooked 54y 32
This episode discusses codependency and its negative effects on families and its role in addictions. As codependent family members hide negative behaviors that should be confronted
Unhooked 54y 23
The desire to be thin at all costs is a struggle for women and men allike. In this episode, the tell tale signs of anorexia and bulimia are explained, along with their long term ef
Unhooked 54y 31
Violence. Manipulation. Revenge. There are many ways anger can affect one's life, creating distrust and clouding one's judgment. Its vicious control creeps into all aspects of life
One drink won't hurt, or will it? Many adults wish they had never taken the first sip. In this episode, the long term effects of alcohol use and abuse are discussed.
Environments don’t always determine the outcome of one’s life but they definitely have an effect. In this episode of Unhooked, learn how certain environments can encourage and
There is a seemingly endless list of addictions and unhealthy behaviors. However, there are many common responses to addictive substances and unhealthy behaviors.