Better Than Platinum (October 06, 2023)
Adventist Review Podcasts - 11m 23

So, what’s the most valuable commodity in the world? If you picked silver, gold, or platinum, 10,000 brokers might seek your business.  If you chose palladium or rhodium, you know your precious metals well. But none of these—nor all of them—can light a dream or spark a prayer when fear and pain fill all our night. There’s just one thing that billions want, including all who never own—or see—a precious metal. That thing is hope, and it is found, not in the ground, but in the skies. Hope is the trust that there is yet another truth about our lives—that we are loved and valued and worth holding. Hope rises high above our brokenness to affirm that God is not finished with us yet. Whatever we own, whatever we cherish, we are precious to the God who gave us hope by giving us what is most precious to Him: “For this is the way God loved the world: He gave His one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16). Hope is our trust that God is good, that grace is ultimately what counts. All other value flows from trusting that our story need not end in dust. Grace always points us to the skies. So stay in grace. Bill Knott