CVV Ministries


Living as Stewards: The Path to Spiritual Growth and Service #shorts


Tue Apr 9 17:00:21 2024 - 28

ShareUncover the profound reasons behind God's call for us to consecrate our lives, including our time, abilities, bodies, and material possessions to Him. This enlightening short delves into how such dedication promotes our spiritual growth and character development. By recognizing God's ownership over all and His boundless love, our gratitude and love flourish. Discover how faithful stewardship acts as a bulwark against covetousness and selfishness, fostering a spirit of economy, efficiency, and generosity. Learn how, by serving others and sharing the blessings we've received, we not only benefit those around us but also contribute significantly to God's church. To watch the full video from Elder Ted Wilson, president of the General Conference of Seventh day Adventists, paste this link into your browser:

Fonte: Seventh-day Adventist Church

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