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THE EVERLASTING GOSPEL 017 The Principle of the Cross-


Seg 31 Dez 2018 20:06:26 EST - 8 THE EVERLASTING GOSPEL 17 The Principle of the Cross 1. When Christ was crucified, three things took place that vitally affect the life of every believer: a. What Satan and the world did to Christ on the cross; b. What God did to His Son on the cross; c. What God did for the human race in Christ on the cross. 2. Satan and the world showed their utter hatred for Christ on the cross, putting Him to an open shame. When we take Christ’s cross as our own, Satan and the world will likewise manifest their hatred toward us. The Bible calls this “the offense of the cross” [Galatians 5:11]. 3. God placed the sins of every person upon Christ, our Sin Bearer, as He hung on the cross. The New Testament refers to this as “the blood of Christ” [ 1 Peter 1:18 19; Romans 5:9; 1 John 1:7). a. The “blood” of Christ, as used in the New Testament, does not refer to His literal, human blood. It refers to His supreme sacrifice — His divine life, which He gave up in exchange for our condemned life. b. The “blood” of Christ reconciles sinful human beings to a holy God. c. The “blood” of Christ rescues us from a guilty conscience. d. On the basis of His “blood,” Christ is able to rebuke every accusation of the devil against us. 4. God included all of humanity in the death of His Son in order to free us from the power of sin. a. Sin is not only an act of transgression that makes us guilty; it is also a power that has us in its grip. b. Forgiveness, marvelous as it is, is not enough. We must have deliverance from sin. c. Sinful acts may be forgiven and blotted out by the blood of Christ, but our basic, sinful natures cannot be merely forgiven — they must be destroyed or crucified [Galatians 5:24]. 5. The sinful human nature is beyond repair; it cannot be rebuilt into something acceptable to God. That is why God included us in the death of His Son. We were crucified “in Christ” and, in exchange, God gives us the very life of Jesus to replace, not repair, our sinful human nature. NEXT: THE EVERLASTING GOSPEL: 18 The Work of the Holy Spirit YouTube: Sharing the good news of the soon return of Jesus Christ, our Lord Creator and Redeemer.


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